#3 Promoting Innovation

The topic that intrigued me the most was number seven Promoting Innovation. Promoting innovation within a community who respects and protects free speech people are more willing to work together. The people in this type of community are usually a very energized, gifted, and riveting society where people can actively fulfill themselves in many different outlets. Some examples of these outlets could be gaming, religion, sports, cosmetics, reading, working and or even music. The possibilities are endless when it comes to innovation and creativity. Promoting innovation and creativity unlocks peoples potential to broaden their perspectives on what is possible in the world. 

By creating a think tank society helps a collective of people learn together by dissecting positive and negative. They will focus on research features based on the specific topic that they are trying to be educated to influence society. It is important for these individuals to understand both sides to every story.  When learning past history failures and successes for the greater good of mankind will create innovation for future societies. Also, by reading governmental legislation on what bills are being passed and how it affects society will deliver a better educated response to those we are putting in office in various parts of the government. The important piece is that people learn all sides of an issue, and be educated before they respond to a topic. This type of diversity will lead to conversation and creativity to build freedom of speech and thought processes for society.

Light Of Idea

When you build a group of open minded innovative people they can create an inspirational thought process. This thought process can propel others minds to think differently however there needs to be a judgement free learning and listening component to get the most of every individual in the group.  Everyone possesses different skill sets so it is important to listen and uncover those skills to be most beneficial in the innovation strategy. In every group when a leadership is formed in a project, it is important for that leader to get the most out of every individual on the team. When a leader propels to the forefront it is important that each individual has a role within the group, voice is being heard and has found the strength of each person in the think tank. It is also a good idea when someone feels strongly about a specific agenda item that they learn the opposing side to their personal belief system. Basically checking their ego at the door and being more open minded in the project's collective thought process.

When setting a mission, vision and values will help this innovative thinking through goals setting to building solid solutions. Solutions can then be put into a test and learn for success in developing policy, products, and proactive thinking. If there is a collective thought process where a group is open minded to what can possibly occur they will be prepared for any outcome without judgement from their peers. Every idea, piece of research should be analyzed for every possible outcome in the project. So if and when failure occurs, it would be easier to learn and recreate to get a better outcome. Creativity only excels when it is ok to fail and pivot in a positive direction.


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