#4 blog invasion of privacy

The new and up and coming technology that is being created and programmed right now is insane. With how cool the camera is and how fast your texts send through won’t keep you safe from those watching on the other side. I personally don’t have much of a social media presence even though I have the apps. That won’t always matter whether you're active everyday or once a week they are still taking down all the data being recorded on your account. Whether that comes to your search history, how long you look at it, or what your phone contains

Data Privacy Day: 10 experts give advice for protecting your business -  TechRepublic

Invasion of privacy is a tort based in common law allowing an aggrieved party to bring a lawsuit against an individual who unlawfully intrudes into his/her private affairs, discloses his/her private information, publicizes him/her in a false light, or appropriates his/her name for personal gain.” Google, Facebook, and instagram have problems with invading your privacy and getting results on what you look up, what you say out loud, then it reports it back to the data system. We all as individuals have the right to privacy in a democracy. There are 4 types of invasion of privacy and they are'' intrusion on a person's seclusion or solitude;  public disclosure of embarrassing private facts about a person;  publicity that places a person in a false light in the public eye; and  appropriation, for the defendant's advantage, of the person's name or likeness. “ I have been hacked as well as friends and family members have been hacked and it’s not fun. Trying to get your accounts back is one thing but trying to get your rep back after whatever they did to your account is harder to fix.

Defending digital privacy: taking personal protection to the next level |  Kaspersky official blog

The government should be working alongside homeland and cyber security to make efforts to not only block terrorists but remove those inner sources spying along with the government themselves. Coming up with a blocking system to let you know just like when you get a spam call it says spam caller for the ID but for your social media accounts. A program in your phone so you know they aren’t listening or driving your data to the cloud. This can also be stressful if your card is in your phone, address is saved, photos of you are all being recorded. A VPN is your best bet to send your signal and location away from the computer and plop it somewhere else on the map so hackers can’t track you. Having two factor authentication on incase you get hacked on anything you can get your account hacked and or put a security system on each computer and turn data sharing off. 


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