#2 The U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court was created in 1789. The videos presented were very educational showing the process of which it conducts legal business. The Supreme court has to oversee if laws are constitutional or not. The Court is making sure that the American people are promised fair and equal justice under the law. The Supreme Court also has the option to hear or dismiss any case. 

The part in the video that caught my attention the most is how lengthy the process is to pass anything. Once judges have voted it normally takes up to 4 weeks to program a detailed draft outline of the opinion made on the case. When it comes to difficult cases, there is an immense amount of responsibility and pressure on the judge to make a judgement call after overseeing all details. To interpret the constitution then make a ruling that the state, congress, and the president have to abide too.  

Once the Supreme Court was first established it appointed the first 6 justices in 1789 whereas in 2021 we have 9 justices. On February 1st, 1790 the Court had their first meeting but only 3 out of the 6 justices showed up so they didn’t have their  official opening day till February 2nd, 1790. The very first bill passed and signed by the president was The Judiciary Act. The Justices of the Supreme Court in 2021 are Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Elena Kagan. 


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