#11 EOTO someone else's invention


The invention process is crazy to see where just an idea begins to where it ends up centuries down the line. Where we’ve come in societal growth is outstanding. Especially, when it comes to the innovation process of better technology. Who likes wires and cords connecting your device which enviably gets caught on your foot or arm, your trip and pull it out of the walls or out of your phone? Or have you ever had your headphones, earbuds fall out of your ears when you got caught up on something?  Wired things get in the way and become a hassle whether that be on the floor or on your phone. Bluetooth technology was a saving grace for all of us. Working out became a lot easier without having to constantly strategically place it or put it on your arm and your phone gets all sweaty. Bluetooth is an extremely intriguing device giving you a hands-free connection. It is the Standard for short-range wireless interconnection, mobile phones, computers, printers, and other electronic devices. This concept of short-range wireless interconnection was developed in the mid-’90s around (1993-1995). Jaap Haartsen and Sven Mattison were the main contributors to this short radio wave invention.  The curious name comes from Harald Bluetooth, a Danish king who united the Scandinavians in the 10th century. It is said that King Harald unified his clans under a single banner.  Do you think Bluetooth unified technology under a single platform as King Harold did for his people?


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